
It’s Part of the Job

This report focuses on torture and ill-treatment by the Internal Security Forces (ISF) which is Lebanon’s main police force, and in particular the Drug Repression Bureau and members of the ISF who enforce “morality-related” laws against drug users, sex workers, and lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people. Link to Report

Unequal and Unprotected

This report highlights the discriminatory nature of Lebanese Personal Status Laws, and the challenges that these pose to women in Lebanon. Link to Report

Lebanon immigration Detention

This report  investigates the use of immigration-related detention in Leanon's detention centers, presenting several cases where these detainees' right to a fair trial was violated. Link to Report

Without Protection: How the Lebanese Justice System Fails Migrant Domestic Workers

This report highlights Lebanon's judicial failure to protect migrant domestic workers in an environment which facilitates the violation of their fundamental rights, which include the right to a fair trial. Link to Report

ALEF Comment on ISF CoC

Following the release of Internal Security Forces Code of Conduct in 2012, ALEF underwent a review of the CoC identifying shortfalls and gaps to be addressed by the ISF. The commentary focused on the below parts: The conflict with the actual law The mechanisms of implementation/respect of the Code of Conduct (CoC) The terminology, spirit [...]