
Reflecting on Lokman Slim

In couple of weeks, on February 4, four years would have passed since the brutal assassination of Lokman Slim, yet his voice resonates louder than ever in the silence he left behind. Lokman was a fearless advocate for truth and accountability in a region where such values often come at the highest cost. His assassination [...]

Keeping Track of Commitments

by Francisca AnkrahPrograms Manager, ALEF act for human rights The Universal Periodic Review (UPR) has often been criticized by governments and NGOs alike as inefficient, which is certainly the case when states treat it exclusively as an elaborate reporting exercise that repeats itself every five years. The UPR’s purpose lies in its process more than [...]

Lessons learned from Lebanon elections: Reforming Human Rights’ Policies

The recently held elections in Lebanon carried several controversial elements – in both how they were organized and their results – but validated one assumption: the absence of a public will to reform human rights policies. Lebanon has been into successive and often concurrent political, security, economic and social crisis since it became independent in [...]

Why financial assistance alone is not enough

The need for a comprehensive response to the Syrian refugee crisis George Ghali[1] The European Union’s international conference “Supporting the Future of Syria and the Region”, better known as the Brussels conference (April 4-5), will essentially aim at assessing where the international community stands in fulfilling commitments made to address the Syrian crisis. As in [...]

في الرقابة…

د. ايلي أبو عون 1 أمين عام جمعية ألف–تحرك من أجل حقوق الأنسان أستاذ محاضر (زائر) في مادة حقوق الأنسان استعرت مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي مرة جديدة ابان اطلاق اغنية ميريام كلينك و استفاق الجدل عن الرقابة و دور الدولة في حماية القيم الاجتماعية. رغم أن الانقسام حول أغنية كلينك لم يكن بنفس الحدية التي رأيناها [...]