Torture Prevention

Situational Update on the Occurrences and Trends of Torture in Lebanon Torture Prevention and Monitoring in Lebanon

In the years following ALEF’s first report on torture in June of 2008, the Lebanese government has taken on several projects towards the protection of their citizens from torture. The most important of which is the ratification of the Optional Protocol to the United Nations Convention Against Torture (OPCAT). The subsequent issuance of ministerial decree [...]

Socio-Political and Cultural Contexts of Violence and Their Impact on the Acceptance of Torture in Lebanon

Since 1991, Lebanon’s society has been unstable. War, occupations and state corruption have left its political system and social programs weakened and tensions high amongst religious groups. The effects of Lebanese politics on the state and its residents, coupled with permissive attitudes towards violence, hate speech, and dehumanization of “the other”, allows people to rationalize [...]

Torture Prevention and Monitoring in Lebanon II

Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Lebanon Strengthen efforts towards prevention of torture and ill treatment in Lebanon as well as the effective monitoring and reporting of torture allegations. 2009 - 2011 During the implementation of the “Torture Prevention and Monitoring in Lebanon” (TPML) project in 2008, ALEF noticed that [...]

The Painful Whereabouts of Detention

In 2000, Lebanon rati?ed the United Nations Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment. As of February 2008, Lebanon has signed, but not yet rati?ed, the optional protocol to this convention which allows for regular visits by autonomous international and national bodies to places where people are deprived of their [...]

Torture Prevention and Monitoring in Lebanon I

The European Union Mobilize local communities towards detecting, addressing, and reporting torture cases, as well as promoting torture prevention among the general population. 2007 – 2008 IKV Pax Christi and PAX Christi International […]

Annual Report 2002

Even if it is extremely hard to generalize a comparison between the current situation of Human Rights in Lebanon to its past, we still consider that some few points are comparable. Certain violations reflect the authorities’ attitude and the priority that they give to the respect of Human Rights in their agenda. Our report will [...]