
Delays in Reporting

Lebanon is party to six core international human rights treaties, and is therefore obligated to submit periodic reports to the treaty body tasked with monitoring the implementation of each international convention. The Lebanese government has worked to apply international and national regulations within the framework of the Lebanese constitution, requiring them to undertake a series [...]

The Special Tribunal for Lebanon

The Special Tribunal for Lebanon (STL) was established by an agreement between the United Nations and the Lebanese Republic pursuant to the Security Council resolution 1664 of March 29th, 2006. According to its statute, the STL has jurisdiction over persons responsible and in connection to the attack that caused the death of former Lebanese Prime [...]

The Painful Whereabouts of Detention

In 2000, Lebanon rati?ed the United Nations Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment. As of February 2008, Lebanon has signed, but not yet rati?ed, the optional protocol to this convention which allows for regular visits by autonomous international and national bodies to places where people are deprived of their [...]

The July War from a Human Rights Perspective

In August of 2006, a violent armed clash erupted between Hezbollah, a Shiite Muslim armed group based in the south of Lebanon, and the State of Israel. Initially the conflict started in early July when Hezbollah launched an attack on Israeli positions on the Blue Line, a UN made line after Israel’s withdrawal from Lebanon [...]

International humanitarian law violations in the current conflict opposing Hezbollah (Lebanon) to the state of Israel (August 2006)

In the midst of the military operation that ravaged Lebanon in July-August 2006, most of the international and national NGO as well as other CSO were mobilized to respond to the acute humanitarian crisis that resulted from the forced displacement of almost one fourth of the population; where thousands of families sought safe havens in [...]

Youth Organizations in Lebanon (2003)

The decree contradicts basic Human rights principles and violates most of the international instruments: -Universal Declaration of Human rights - 1948. -International covenant on civil and political rights - 1966. -International covenant on economic and social rights 1966. -International convention on child’s rights. As it is known, ratifying a treaty is legally binding for the [...]

Annual Report 2002

Even if it is extremely hard to generalize a comparison between the current situation of Human Rights in Lebanon to its past, we still consider that some few points are comparable. Certain violations reflect the authorities’ attitude and the priority that they give to the respect of Human Rights in their agenda. Our report will [...]

Censorship in Lebanon (2002)

This report seeks to provide an understanding of Lebanon's scope of censorship, its application and oversight mechanisms. Full Report: Report Censorship English - Rapport sur la censure au Liban 2003 - Francais

The Human Rights Situation in the Formerly Occupied Area of South of Lebanon (2001)

Ce rapport a pour objectif de braquer la lumière sur la situation des droits de l’Homme dans la région évacuée par l’armée israélienne en mai 2000. Il ne couvre donc pas tout le Liban Sud, et en l’occurrence la région de Jezzine évacuée en 1999. Ce document traite spécifiquement le respect des droits de l’Homme [...]

Observations on the Legislative Elections Held in the Year 2000

This report aims at showcasing the practices and violations documented during the parliamentary elections of the year 2000. Full Report: Rapport sur les elections legislatives libanaises - 2000 -Fr