Security Sector Reform

The Use of Force in Lebanon

Overview of the Enforced Legal Framework Monitoring and Analyzing the Human Rights Violations Committed during the Past Five Years The image of police officers is often associated with the exercise of force, though most police operations do not necessitate the use force. Only a handful of tasks require the use of force or the threat [...]

Peacebuilding and Social Stability Challenges Faced by Municipalities within a Context of Ongoing Crises in Lebanon

In order to better understand the challenges faced by local governments, at the frontlines of community relations, ALEF conducted series of semi structured interviews with various stakeholders from municipalities across Lebanon to assess the current state of local authorities. To do so, ALEF selected several municipalities across Lebanon based on their diverse demographic composition to [...]

ALEF – act for human rights is deeply concerned by the recent summoning of the families of the victims of the Port Explosion, the arbitrary raid of William Noun’s residence and his detention, and the use of force against peaceful protesters, re-iterating its call for an international investigation into the explosion.

In the aftermath of a protest on January 10, 2023 by the families of the victims of the Port Explosion against the illegal appointment of an alternative judge in the investigation of the explosion, 12 family members of the victims were summoned by the Judicial Police on request of the Public Prosecution Office for questioning [...]

تشعر ألف – تحرّك من أجل حقوق الإنسان بقلقٍ بالغ إزاء استدعاء أهالي ضحايا انفجار المرفأ، والغارة التعسفيّة على مكان إقامة وليام نون واحتجازه، واستخدام القوة ضد المتظاهرين السلميين، مكررةً دعوتها إلى تحقيقٍ دوليٍّ في الانفجار.

في أعقاب احتجاج 10 كانون الثاني 2023 من قبل عائلات ضحايا انفجار المرفأ على التعيين غير القانوني لقاضٍ بديل للتحقيق في الانفجار، استدعت الشرطة القضائية 12 فردًا من أفراد عائلات الضحايا بناءً على طلب النيابة العامة للتحقيق في 16 كانون الثاني بتهمة إثارة الشغب وتخريب قصر العدل في العدلية. يوم 13 كانون الثاني، استدعى أمن الدولة [...]

State of Emergency: Challenges to human rights obligations

ALEF- act for human rights is deeply concerned with the extensions of the state of emergency in Beirut. Following years of raising the alarm about a shrinking civic space, this decision can lead to more intimidation, repression, and abuse. Concerns on State of Emergency in BeirutDownload

على لبنان التحقيق في تقارير عن تجسس واسع

على لبنان التحقيق في تقارير عن تجسس واسع يجب إنهاء أي برامج مراقبة تعسفية، والتحقيق في انتهاكات الخصوصية (بيروت) – قالت 7 منظمات حقوقية وإعلامية اليوم إن على النيابة العامة في لبنان التحقيق في التقارير التي تشير إلى وجود عملية تجسس سرية واسعة النطاق مرتبطة بـ "المديرية العامة للأمن العام اللبناني" (الأمن العام). أصدر باحثون [...]

Lebanon: Investigate Large-Scale Surveillance Reports

Lebanon: Investigate Large-Scale Surveillance Reports End Any Arbitrary Surveillance Program, Investigate Privacy Violations   (Beirut) – Lebanon’s general prosecutor should investigate reports of secret large-scale surveillance tied to a Lebanese intelligence agency, seven human rights and media organizations said today. Privacy and surveillance researchers on January 18, 2018, released a report alleging that a malware [...]

Establishing the Primacy of Human Rights in Security Sector Reform in Lebanon

Foreign donors and security agencies are multiplying their efforts to reform the security sector in Lebanon. In such context, ALEF advocates for a security sector reform (SSR) approach that promotes human rights compliance in addition to state empowerment and the inclusion of civil society in the process. Based on interviews with security agencies, foreign donors, [...]

Promoting better human rights practices in security sector reforms implemented in Lebanon

The Canada Fund for Local Initiatives (Lebanon) Enhancing communication between the Lebanese security sector and all stakeholders Strengthening ALEF’s advocacy towards security sector reform Sept 2016 – February 2017 […]

ALEF Comment on ISF CoC

Following the release of Internal Security Forces Code of Conduct in 2012, ALEF underwent a review of the CoC identifying shortfalls and gaps to be addressed by the ISF. The commentary focused on the below parts: The conflict with the actual law The mechanisms of implementation/respect of the Code of Conduct (CoC) The terminology, spirit [...]