Close to ten years into the Syria crisis, Lebanon is more fragile now than ever before, reducing its immediate ability to provide asylum space to refugees. The likely deterioration of the economic situation in Lebanon into 2020, will require both the humanitarian and development community to respond to increasing needs amongst refugees (both Syrian and Palestinian), in addition to current and emerging needs amongst vulnerable Lebanese communities. The onset of COVID-19 has exacerbated socio-economic vulnerability, with the full extent of related lockdown measures not yet revealed. Worrying signs are already seen with inflation of the Lebanese lira, which is wiping out the value of incomes and aid assistance, in addition to rapidly rising unemployment.

The crisis does posit an opportunity to make progress on structural challenges and reform efforts, however, Lebanon still urgently needs humanitarian assistance to mitigate the worst social and economic impacts of the triple crisis currently confronted. Outlined below is the common analysis, situation reports and recommendations to key stakeholders from members of the Lebanon Humanitarian INGO Forum (LHIF), Lebanon Humanitarian & Development NGOs Forum (LHDF) and Persons Affected by the Syrian Crisis (PASC) networks active on the Syria crisis response in Lebanon. The joint Civil Society organizations’ (CSO) report explores:

1) Economic growth and livelihoods
2) Health and WASH
3) Education
4) Protection