The current system of recruiting and employing migrant domestic workers (MDWs) in Lebanon generates abuse, inefficiency, and injustices. ALEF – Act for Human Rights has therefore produced this Protection Framework to analyze the problems and propose solutions to the MDW employment system.
This Protection Framework was developed through desk research and consultative meetings with stakeholders. Over the course of three years, ALEF met with nearly twenty organizations representing these stakeholders, including migrant domestic workers themselves, worker collectives, civil society organizations, international non-governmental organizations, legal experts, SORAL, insurance companies, embassies and consulates of sending countries, and government ministries including the Ministry of Labor (MOL), Internal Security Forces (ISF), and Directorate General of General Security (DGGS). This Framework synthesizes and expands upon the stakeholder meetings to provide a comprehensive alternative to the current system. To the many individuals who provided their insights, experiences, and expertise—but especially to the workers who bravely shared their stories—ALEF offers its profound gratitude.