Conflict Management

تعرب ألف – تحّرك من أجل حقوق الإنسان عن قلقها الشديد حيال المزاعم الأخرية بشأن تعّرض المدني ري المحتجزين من قبل المحكمة العسكرية إلى التعذيب ، وتدعو إلى إجراء تحقيق فوري من قبل السلطات القضائية المستقلة والمختصة

في أعقاب اشتباكات الطيونة العنيفة التي وقعت في منطقة الشياح في ضاحية بيروت الجنوبية يوم 14 تشرين الأول/أكتوبر 2021، تم اعتقال أكثر من 20 مدنياً بشكل تعسفي بناءً على طلب المدعي العسكري لتورطهم المزعوم في الاشتباكات. وبعد عشرة أيام على الحادثة، وجهت تهم القتل والتحريض وحيازة أسلحة نارية غير مرخصة وتخريب الممتلكات العامة والخاصة إلى [...]

Diversity & Citizenship: A selective teaching of notions

Lebanon has been going through a long series of crises since the end of summer 2019. From a financial collapse to socio-economic hardships coupled with a political deadlock, civil unrest, and a massive explosion that destroyed large parts of the capital Beirut, the country has not been able to address the most basic needs of [...]

Brussels 5 SitRep – Eviction and Social Tension

This brief has been produced by the Persons Affected by the Syrian Crisis Working Group (PASC WG) ahead of the Brussels V Conference on Supporting the Future of Syria and the Region. The PASC WG is a network of 26 local Non-Governmental Organizations supporting vulnerable Lebanese, Syrians, and Palestinians. It aims to amplify the capacity [...]

Perceptions of Security Among Syrian Refugees and Lebanese Host Community – Al Marj Bekaa

With more than one million Syrian refugees in Lebanon, the country has reached the highest rate of refugees to residents in the world today1. This reality presents, without a doubt, a very serious challenge to the security and stability of Lebanon in a region that is already in turmoil. The international community has unanimously and [...]

Municipalities in the Protection of Human and Refugee Rights

There are currently over one million Syrian refugees situated in Lebanon, seriously impacting its society and political system. However, this number does not cover the total amount of Syrian refugees in Lebanon. There are many who have not registered with the UNHCR since the Lebanese government has temporarily suspended new registration of refugees as of [...]

Engaging Communities in Tackling Security Challenges

Swiss federal department of Foreign Affairs- Human Security Division Tackle the continuously increasing tensions among the Lebanese and Syrian communities that are widening the pre-existing divide in the Lebanese social structure by working on changing mutual perceptions, especially ones related to the worsening security situation, of both Syrian and Lebanese selected communities as well as mitigating potential community-based conflicts among them 2015 – 2016 Arc-en-Ciel, Moubadarat Shababiya, Education Program in Lebanon. […]

Building Local Capacities for Peace

Porticus 2014 – 2016 PAX – Netherlands […]

Towards Protection – Friendly Local Governance

Middle East Partnership Initiative (MEPI) Build the capacity of municipalities in the areas of human rights, refugee protection policies, conflict prevention and resolution Engage Lebanese and Syrian communities in joint development initiatives. 2014 – 2016 […]

Responsible and Active Youth

The Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) Produce a toolkit on community peace building Build capacities of youth in order to become actors of change in their communities 2010 – 2011 […]

Inter-Communal Dialogue

Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Enhance dialogue between youth from different communities Introducing concepts of conflict resolution and peace building Endorse the ‘ national peace center ‘ to become permanent structure for intercommunal dialogue 2008 Arc en Ciel […]