Conflict Management

Situation Report 2019-2023

After a challenging hiatus, ALEF is proud to release our long-awaited situation report on the state of human rights in Lebanon, covering the period from 2019 to 2023. Since 1999, our annual reports have been central to our mission, shedding light on Lebanon's human rights challenges. The crises of recent years—including political deadlock, financial collapse, [...]

Community Perceptions Report

The perceptions collected during this quarter reflect the nationwide sense of insecurity and instability. There is prominent division of public opinion regarding Syrian refugees, but the majority perceives their presence in Lebanon as a threat to social, economic, and political stability. The widening of the scope of Israel’s targets on South Lebanon and the Beqaa, [...]

Implementing the Triple Nexus Approach in Lebanon

The Triple Nexus Platform (TNP) is a subgroup of the PASC Working Group facilitated by ALEF- act for human rights and is part of the ‘Durable Solution for Syrian Refugees in Lebanon’ program funded by the Belgian Directorate-General for Development (Belgian government) and led by 11.11.11. The TNP aims to enhance collaboration among PASC members, [...]

Addressing Key Issues Concerning Syrian Refugees in Lebanon

The Working Group for Persons Affected by the Syrian Crisis in Lebanon (WG PASC) is a voluntary, inter-organizational network of 31 local CSOs, facilitated by ALEF - act for human rights. Open to all local CSOs working with individuals affected by the Syrian crisis, WG PASC aims to enhance the capacity and influence of CSOs [...]

Community Perceptions Report September – November 2023

ALEF – act for human rights is implementing the WE’AM project (Working for Engagement, Acceptance and Mediation), funded by the EU and lead by OXFAM, which aims to contribute to a people-centered recovery of Lebanon, in line with 3RF and particularly its Pillar 3 focusing on supporting a socially cohesive environment. Considering the multi-layered crisis [...]

Community Perceptions Report December 2023 – February 2024

ALEF – act for human rights is implementing the WE’AM project (Working for Engagement, Acceptance and Mediation), funded by the EU and led by OXFAM, and which aim is to contribute to a people-centered recovery of Lebanon, in line with 3RF and particularly its Pillar 3 that supports a socially cohesive environment. Considering the multi-layered [...]

Human rights and humanitarian law concerns

ALEF – act for human rights is profoundly disturbed by the recent violations of international humanitarian law (IHL) committed by the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) in its operations in Southern Lebanon as well as several Lebanon based non-state armed groups and strongly calls, short of a cessation of hostilities, for the full respect of IHL [...]

Peacebuilding and Social Stability Challenges Faced by Municipalities within a Context of Ongoing Crises in Lebanon

In order to better understand the challenges faced by local governments, at the frontlines of community relations, ALEF conducted series of semi structured interviews with various stakeholders from municipalities across Lebanon to assess the current state of local authorities. To do so, ALEF selected several municipalities across Lebanon based on their diverse demographic composition to [...]

In the Name of Religion: Women’s unequal rights in Lebanon

Freedom of religion or belief must not be used for ends that conflict with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights or other applicable human rights instruments. In Lebanon, religion has a significant impact on the social, political. As a result, the overall situation of women is impacted. The dominant culture and religions are key influencers in gender-based discrimination. [...]

ALEF – Act for Human Rights is deeply concerned by the recent allegations of torture of civilians detained by the Military Court, calling for an immediate inquiry by independent and competent judicial authorities.

In the aftermath of the violent Tayouneh clashes in the Chiyah area of the southern suburb of Beirut on the 14th of October 2021, more than 20 civilians were arrested upon the request of the military prosecutor for their alleged involvement in the clashes. Ten days later, more than 60 individuals were charged with murder, [...]