
Lebanon’s Political rights and Freedoms: A submission to the Universal Periodic Review

The following report highlights Lebanon’s improvements and setbacks in a series of most pressing human rights issues throughout the implementation phase of the second cycle following Lebanon’s Universal Periodic Review (UPR) in 2015. The country, currently going through a series of crises such as the Lebanese protests that started on October 17, 2019, the financial [...]

Conditions of Syrian Refugees in Lebanon: Submission to the UN Universal Periodic Review

The deterioration of the financial and socio-economic situations in Lebanon, coupled by the Lebanese protests and the COVID-19 pandemic, will require much humanitarian and development support to respond to the needs of refugees but as well the Lebanese host community. Social stability that is under threat while protection issues such as access to legal documentation, [...]

Conditions of Detention in Lebanon: Submission to the UN Universal Periodic Review

In Lebanon, prisons and detention centers are chronically overcrowded. The World Prison Brief ranks the Lebanese prison and detention system as the 34 most overcrowded in the world. Severe overcrowding in prisons and detention centers has resulted in conditions that pose a significant threat to the health, safety, and dignity of detainees. Only Roumieh prison [...]

The Situation of Civil Rights in Lebanon: A Joint Submission to the UPR

Lebanon has ratified most of the international human rights conventions including the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), the international Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (2000) and its Protocol (2008). Lebanon does not implement article 6 of the ICCPR. According to the Human Rights Committee, states [...]

Threats to Civic Space: Submission to the UN Universal Periodic Review

This submission is presented for consideration as part of the Universal Periodic Review Stakeholder Report. It includes a summary of the human rights conditions in Lebanon along with recommendations on how the Lebanese government can improve these conditions and put an end to violations. This report on freedom of religion and belief, freedom of expression [...]

Access to Education: Submission to the UN Universal Periodic Review

This submission is presented for consideration as part of the Universal Periodic Review Stakeholder Report. It includes a summary of the human rights conditions in Lebanon along with recommendations on how the Lebanese government can improve these conditions and put an end to violations Lebanon was among the first that signed the Convention on the [...]

Threats to Right to Work – Brussels IV Advocacy Brief

This brief has been produced by the Persons Affected by the Syrian Crisis Network (PASC) ahead of the Brussels IV Conference on Supporting the Future of Syria and the Region. PASC is a network of 27 local Non-Governmental Organizations supporting vulnerable Lebanese, Syrians, and Palestinians. It aims to amplify the capacity and influence of its [...]

Threats to Forced Evictions – Brussels IV Advocacy Brief

This brief has been produced by the Persons Affected by the Syrian Crisis Network (PASC) ahead of the Brussels IV Conference on Supporting the Future of Syria and the Region. PASC is a network of 27 local Non-Governmental Organizations supporting vulnerable Lebanese, Syrians, and Palestinians. It aims to amplify the capacity and influence of its [...]

Threats to Deportations – Brussels IV Advocacy Brief

This brief has been produced by the Persons Affected by the Syrian Crisis Network (PASC) ahead of the Brussels IV Conference on Supporting the Future of Syria and the Region. PASC is a network of 27 local Non-Governmental Organizations supporting vulnerable Lebanese, Syrians, and Palestinians. It aims to amplify the capacity and influence of its [...]

Taking on the Triple Crisis: Civil society perspectives on supporting Lebanon in its response to the concurrent Syria, economic and health crises.

Close to ten years into the Syria crisis, Lebanon is more fragile now than ever before, reducing its immediate ability to provide asylum space to refugees. The likely deterioration of the economic situation in Lebanon into 2020, will require both the humanitarian and development community to respond to increasing needs amongst refugees (both Syrian and [...]