
ALEF Annual Report 2016

As in previous years, the Lebanese government has taken some positive steps towards promoting human rights in 2016, but has missed several opportunities to uphold the country’s international obligations, and failed to address major protection concerns of the general population. The Lebanese criminal justice system continues to overlook many of the international standards set by [...]

Establishing the Primacy of Human Rights in Security Sector Reform in Lebanon

Foreign donors and security agencies are multiplying their efforts to reform the security sector in Lebanon. In such context, ALEF advocates for a security sector reform (SSR) approach that promotes human rights compliance in addition to state empowerment and the inclusion of civil society in the process. Based on interviews with security agencies, foreign donors, [...]

LEBANON Joint shadow report – Submitted to the UN Commitee Against Torture

Lebanon’s first periodic report (CAT/C/LBN/1)[1] was submitted to the Committee against Torture on 9 March 2016, and will be reviewed by the Committee at its 60th session. Although this effort is a step forward, the report had been overdue for 14 years, and contained no substantial information in terms of developments and efforts made by [...]

ALEF Submission to the UN Committee Against Torture – 60th Session

In March 2016, the Government of Lebanon submitted its initial Report to the Committee against Torture (CAT). Although this effort is a step forward, the Report had been overdue for 15 years, and contained no substantial information in terms of developments and efforts at the hand of the Lebanese government towards preventing torture in Lebanon. [...]

Perceptions of Security Among Syrian Refugees and Lebanese Host Community – Al Marj Bekaa

With more than one million Syrian refugees in Lebanon, the country has reached the highest rate of refugees to residents in the world today1. This reality presents, without a doubt, a very serious challenge to the security and stability of Lebanon in a region that is already in turmoil. The international community has unanimously and [...]

Child Friendly Report on the Right of the Child in Lebanon 2016

The Child led Data Collection (CLDC) methodology engages young researchers in gathering evidence of children’s situations and child rights violations. The methodology is child friendly and produces qualitative and quantitative evidence of everyday needs and priorities which can be used to inform change. Policies and programmes can then use this evidence to focus on needs [...]

Findings Report: Child Led Data Collection – 2016

The Child led Data Collection (CLDC) methodology engages young researchers in gathering evidence of children’s situations and child rights violations. The methodology is child friendly and produces qualitative and quantitative evidence of everyday needs and priorities which can be used to inform change. Policies and programmes can then use this evidence to focus on needs [...]

Guarantees during Court Proceedings, Detention and Appeal

Through the adoption of contemporary international procedures, the Lebanese legal system in theory guarantees due process and fair trials.  The  justice system now allows for civil lawsuits without recourse to the Sharia, the right to legal counsel in any criminal case, and an absolute protection against “double jeopardy”—a defendant may not be prosecuted twice for [...]

Guarantees during Arrest and Investigation

The principles of a fair trial are preserved by a wide array of international agreements and conventions that apply to citizens as well as the state.  The most significant of which are the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR). The state of Lebanon has ratified [...]

Exceptional Courts

In Lebanon, the concept of a fair trial is directly challenged due to the presence of several exceptional courts. Their presence creates a form of justice that is outside the scope of ordinary law, allowing for a judiciary that is separate and inexpedient,. This is embodied namely in the Military Court, the Judicial Council, the [...]