In the years following ALEF’s first report on torture in June of 2008, the Lebanese government has taken on several projects towards the protection of their citizens from torture. The most important of which is the ratification of the Optional Protocol to the United Nations Convention Against Torture (OPCAT). The subsequent issuance of ministerial decree n° 2036, which established a committee to draft the National Preventive Mechanism (NPM) law pursuant to the OPCAT, also showed the government’s will to enhance the protection of the right to be free from torture
Despite these developments, and a growing interest by international stakeholders in training the Internal Security Forces on crime prevention, the overall condition of prisons, and the treatment of detainees remain appalling. This report aims to highlight the major developments in legislation on torture in Lebanon, since June 2008. These developments include the ongoing discussions on the creation of an NPM, the draft laws submitted thereon, the domestic laws that are related to torture, and the legal protection of medical legists in their conduct. As such, this report builds on ALEF’s Painful Whereabouts of Detention Report and will regularly refer to it. The latter report assesses the extent of torture in Lebanon and includes a review of the legal framework, as well as an analysis of relevant practices during 2007,
This report also includes a series of recommendations to major stakeholders and the Lebanese government which ALEF strives to promote and advocate for to local and international decision- makers.
Torture Progress Report 2010 ENG
Torture Progress Report 2010 ARB