Monitoring and Advocacy

Alternative Report: Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment and Punishment

Since 2005, Lebanon has been experiencing increased political instability. While the overall level of human rights protection has improved, this improvement depends on the political priorities of individual ministers rather than coherent policy decisions. It is also frequently affected by armed conflicts and clashes. There are reports of political interference in the judicial process, and [...]

Situational Update on the Occurrences and Trends of Torture in Lebanon Torture Prevention and Monitoring in Lebanon

In the years following ALEF’s first report on torture in June of 2008, the Lebanese government has taken on several projects towards the protection of their citizens from torture. The most important of which is the ratification of the Optional Protocol to the United Nations Convention Against Torture (OPCAT). The subsequent issuance of ministerial decree [...]

The Universal Periodic Review of Lebanon’s Experience

The Universal Period Review (UPR) is a human rights mechanism developed in March, 2006, by the General Assembly Resolution 60/251. This resolution established the Human Rights Council (HRC), a body made up of 47 member states. The HRC periodically reviews the performance of the 192 UN member states in regards to their implementation of human [...]

Towards an Effective UPR Process

PAX To promote civil society input to the UPR process To document the experience of Lebanon through the UPR cycle To advocate for recommendations to be adopted by the Human Rights Council 2010 PAX – Netherlands Pax Christi International […]

Life is a Right – “Al Haya Haque”

European Union Target public opinion to encourage citizens to be involved and understand the consequences of the death penalty. Target officials in the justice system as well as decision makers. 2010 – 2012  Andalous (Egypt) Sharek (POT) Leaders […]

Right to Health

Lebanon has adhered to a number of human rights treaties that address health-related rights, and guarantee to protect the health of its population. Lebanon has a strong private health sector, nevertheless, there are vast regional health disparities amongst the population. The inefficiency of the healthcare system, high cost of health insurance, unhealthy life conditions, and [...]

Military Tribunal: A Breach in the Integrity of the Judicial System

The Military Tribunal raises several concerns in regards to human rights and the rule of law in Lebanon. Its current jurisdiction allows for the tribunal to transgress the right to be tried before a competent, independent and impartial court established by law. This allows for military investigators to torture suspects, force suspects into arbitrary detention, [...]

Delays in Reporting

Lebanon is party to six core international human rights treaties, and is therefore obligated to submit periodic reports to the treaty body tasked with monitoring the implementation of each international convention. The Lebanese government has worked to apply international and national regulations within the framework of the Lebanese constitution, requiring them to undertake a series [...]

The Special Tribunal for Lebanon

The Special Tribunal for Lebanon (STL) was established by an agreement between the United Nations and the Lebanese Republic pursuant to the Security Council resolution 1664 of March 29th, 2006. According to its statute, the STL has jurisdiction over persons responsible and in connection to the attack that caused the death of former Lebanese Prime [...]

Torture Prevention and Monitoring in Lebanon II

Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Lebanon Strengthen efforts towards prevention of torture and ill treatment in Lebanon as well as the effective monitoring and reporting of torture allegations. 2009 - 2011 During the implementation of the “Torture Prevention and Monitoring in Lebanon” (TPML) project in 2008, ALEF noticed that [...]