Freedom of Expression

Call for action to condemn the Lebanese authorities’ pervasive summons of peaceful activists infringing their right to freedom of expression

August 17, 2018 To: His Excellency Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein, United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, and Mr. David Kaye, Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of the right to freedom of opinion and expression Re: Call for action to condemn the Lebanese authorities’ pervasive summons of peaceful activists infringing their right to [...]

The Situation of Human Rights in Lebanon -2017

In 2017, Lebanese Parliament amended and passed several laws that improve human rights in Lebanon and reaffirm the realization of several efforts by Lebanese civil society in areas concerning elections, transparency, women’s rights, and torture prevention. Recent legislative reforms include changing the electoral law and the prohibition of marital rape, as well as the criminalization [...]

على لبنان التحقيق في تقارير عن تجسس واسع

على لبنان التحقيق في تقارير عن تجسس واسع يجب إنهاء أي برامج مراقبة تعسفية، والتحقيق في انتهاكات الخصوصية (بيروت) – قالت 7 منظمات حقوقية وإعلامية اليوم إن على النيابة العامة في لبنان التحقيق في التقارير التي تشير إلى وجود عملية تجسس سرية واسعة النطاق مرتبطة بـ "المديرية العامة للأمن العام اللبناني" (الأمن العام). أصدر باحثون [...]

Lebanon: Investigate Large-Scale Surveillance Reports

Lebanon: Investigate Large-Scale Surveillance Reports End Any Arbitrary Surveillance Program, Investigate Privacy Violations   (Beirut) – Lebanon’s general prosecutor should investigate reports of secret large-scale surveillance tied to a Lebanese intelligence agency, seven human rights and media organizations said today. Privacy and surveillance researchers on January 18, 2018, released a report alleging that a malware [...]

ALEF Annual Report 2016

As in previous years, the Lebanese government has taken some positive steps towards promoting human rights in 2016, but has missed several opportunities to uphold the country’s international obligations, and failed to address major protection concerns of the general population. The Lebanese criminal justice system continues to overlook many of the international standards set by [...]

في الرقابة…

د. ايلي أبو عون 1 أمين عام جمعية ألف–تحرك من أجل حقوق الأنسان أستاذ محاضر (زائر) في مادة حقوق الأنسان استعرت مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي مرة جديدة ابان اطلاق اغنية ميريام كلينك و استفاق الجدل عن الرقابة و دور الدولة في حماية القيم الاجتماعية. رغم أن الانقسام حول أغنية كلينك لم يكن بنفس الحدية التي رأيناها [...]

Annual Report 2015

The following report highlights Lebanon’s improvements and setbacks of the most pressing human rights issues in 2015. The Lebanese government has shown a willingness to comply with certain human rights matters, however it clearly lacks the capacity and funds to improve legislation, enforce laws, and report to the United Nations (UN) properly. With regard to [...]

Waste Management Demonstrations Documentation of Main Human Rights Violations Committed

In the summer of 2015, Lebanon’s streets were lined with trash. Sukleen, a trash company’s, contract was up and parliament could not decide who would be replacing it. The smell became so unbearable thousands of Lebanese rose to the streets in protest. A campaign that gained international fame called You Stink was thought to be [...]

Annual Report 2013

Lebanon’s 20th century civil war not only destabilized Lebanon, but also devastated the country’s development and protection of human rights. Its domestic legal order is now dysfunctional and often does not operate independently from the government. Today, the judicial system is subject to the whimsical decisions of statesmen and is constantly hijacked by opposing forces, [...]

ALEF – Act for Human Rights is deeply concerned about increasing infringements on freedom of assembly and freedom of expression, as evidenced by the recent actions taken by the Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF) to prevent citizens to protest in the perimeters of the Lebanese Parliament

ALEF – Act for Human Rights is deeply concerned about increasing infringements on freedom of assembly and freedom of expression, as evidenced by the recent actions taken by the Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF) to prevent citizens to protest in the perimeters of the Lebanese Parliament. While every government has the right to take appropriate action [...]