
Statement on the arrests of Syrian refugees outside of Syrian Embassy and risk of refoulement

We, the undersigned non-governmental organizations, are deeply concerned to learn of the deportation orders against six Syrian refugees who were arrested outside the Syrian embassy and taken to General Security detention center. We call on the Lebanese Authorities to respect the principle of non-refoulement, ensure proper judicial due process, access to legal counsel, and put [...]

إعادة السوريين من قبرص إلى لبنان تؤدي لسلسلة عمليات ترحيل لسوريا

بتاريخ 16 أيار/مايو 2021، غادر مركب بحري الشواطئ اللبنانية على متنه 56 شخصًا (39 رجلاً، سبع نساء و10 أطفال) وكان يقع المركب قبالة ساحل قبرص، على بعد حوالي 16 ميلاً بحريًا جنوب كيب جريكو القبرصي. قامت السلطات القبرصية بالتأكد من وثائق الأشخاص الذين كانوا على متنها، ثم منعتهم من الدخول إلى قبرص وأعادتهم إلى لبنان، [...]

Pushbacks from Cyprus to Lebanon leads to chain refoulement to Syria

On 16 May 2021, a boat left Lebanon with 56 migrants on board (39 men, seven women and ten children) and was located off the coast of Cyprus, approximately 16 nautical miles south of Cyprus’ Cape Greco. Cypriot authorities checked the documents of the people on board and then denied entry to Cyprus and pushed [...]

Brussels 5 SitRep – Migration and Freedom of Movement

This brief has been produced by the Persons Affected by the Syrian Crisis Working Group (PASC WG) ahead of the Brussels V Conference on Supporting the Future of Syria and the Region. The PASC WG is a network of 26 local Non-Governmental Organizations supporting vulnerable Lebanese, Syrians, and Palestinians. It aims to amplify the capacity [...]

Brussels 5 SitRep – Documentation and Deportations

This brief has been produced by the Persons Affected by the Syrian Crisis Working Group (PASC WG) ahead of the Brussels V Conference on Supporting the Future of Syria and the Region. The PASC WG is a network of 26 local Non-Governmental Organizations supporting vulnerable Lebanese, Syrians, and Palestinians. It aims to amplify the capacity [...]

Brussels 5 SitRep – Eviction and Social Tension

This brief has been produced by the Persons Affected by the Syrian Crisis Working Group (PASC WG) ahead of the Brussels V Conference on Supporting the Future of Syria and the Region. The PASC WG is a network of 26 local Non-Governmental Organizations supporting vulnerable Lebanese, Syrians, and Palestinians. It aims to amplify the capacity [...]

Brussels 5 SitRep – Child Protection and SGBV

This brief has been produced by the Persons Affected by the Syrian Crisis Working Group (PASC WG) ahead of the Brussels V Conference on Supporting the Future of Syria and the Region. The PASC WG is a network of 26 local Non-Governmental Organizations supporting vulnerable Lebanese, Syrians, and Palestinians. It aims to amplify the capacity [...]

Conditions of Syrian Refugees in Lebanon: Submission to the UN Universal Periodic Review

The deterioration of the financial and socio-economic situations in Lebanon, coupled by the Lebanese protests and the COVID-19 pandemic, will require much humanitarian and development support to respond to the needs of refugees but as well the Lebanese host community. Social stability that is under threat while protection issues such as access to legal documentation, [...]

Threats to Right to Work – Brussels IV Advocacy Brief

This brief has been produced by the Persons Affected by the Syrian Crisis Network (PASC) ahead of the Brussels IV Conference on Supporting the Future of Syria and the Region. PASC is a network of 27 local Non-Governmental Organizations supporting vulnerable Lebanese, Syrians, and Palestinians. It aims to amplify the capacity and influence of its [...]

Threats to Deportations – Brussels IV Advocacy Brief

This brief has been produced by the Persons Affected by the Syrian Crisis Network (PASC) ahead of the Brussels IV Conference on Supporting the Future of Syria and the Region. PASC is a network of 27 local Non-Governmental Organizations supporting vulnerable Lebanese, Syrians, and Palestinians. It aims to amplify the capacity and influence of its [...]